Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to meditate in a jeeva samadhi

My blessed guruji outlined the method to meditate sitting near a Jeeva samadhi. Given below is an understanding of the same.

1. Imagine that we are lowering ourselves into the holy pit where the saint is placed.
2. Worship his feet and seek his blessings
3. Begin the process of identifying ourself as the saint who is sitting inside.
4. Identify so completely as though every Chakra of the saint as our Chakra.
5. Do this identification at each Chakra from Muladhara till Agna Chakra.
6. Now when, identification at Agna Chakra is reached, remain in that place and meditate as though we are meditating from the saint's Agna Chakra.
7. Upon finishing the meditation, once again, prostrate at the saint's feet mentally.

As goes the Chinese saying" One picture is equal to a thousand words"...so is visiting a Jeeva Samadhi. Innumerable births are muted!!

Photo courtesy:http://www.thekundaliniyoga.org/

Monday, November 28, 2011

About Ramalinga swamigal's dematerialization

This is a rare account of the mystery behind Saint Ramalinga's disappearence given by Mother Mira of Aurobindo Ashram.

 I had a continuous vision in my usual meditation in the night: the vision of dematerialization of the physical body of Swami Ramalinga into and as the Truth-Light of Supreme Grace which contains or possesses in itself Supreme Compassion and Bliss of Grace.

Though I have had occasions to ascend into and remain for sometime in the Truth-World of Grace-Light wherefrom I could see the earth as part of the universe, the said Vision came to me when my consciousness was on the earth itself.

To begin with I sensed an ineffable Silence and Peace prevailing everywhere and I heard continuously Para Nada, the mysterious divine Sound. Then the Vision broke out.

A small village was seen in its simple and beautiful surroundings. There was the concrete Presence of the Supreme and Universal Divine with the beautiful Truth-Light of Grace and Fragrance, which enriched the place all the more and enraptured my heart with ever increasing aspiration for Grace. At the center of the village was seen a small house. Sweet Fragrance of Grace radiated everywhere from the house.

Vallalar (Swami Ramalinga) was seen entering the house. His face was calm and peaceful. His whole body was radiating the Light of Grace. Besides, his body was of silken or light golden shining color. He stepped into his room and closed the doors and bolted inside. At that time there was the Concrete Presence of the Supreme and Universal Divine in the room. The Presence could be sensed even physically and even by the born-blind. There was also Silence, Peace, Fragrance and the Light of Grace due to the Presence.

Vallalar sat on a white cloth spread on a low wooden plank and began to concentrate. In that poise he was seen as a Mountain of Truth-Knowledge with the Truth-Light of Grace and Peace and Fire of Tapas. He was verily a supreme form of the Divine. Flood of Light was radiating from his pure and luminous body into all the directions.

Supreme Grace, Supreme Compassion and the Light of Grace are expressive of the secret truth that they hold the key for transformation of physical body into the deathless physical body of Grace in its eternal youthfulness. One has to live in the depth of the ocean of blissful Grace-Light for getting transformed into the divine nature and as the divine body.

The intensity of the flood of Light that radiated from his whole body was very powerful and one shall have the strength and capacity to bear and receive it. My whole body vibrated with a joy and pleasantness because of the Vision of Light of his body.

After sometime of concentration, he rose up and saw the physical sky. Full moon was shedding its blissful cool rays over the earth. A little distance away from the moon was seen a very bright dazzling star of Light. Ramalinga poured his concentrated gaze at it for sometime. He became enraptured with blissful joy in the heart, which radiated on his face. A little time thereafter, he again sat on the white seat of the plank and entered into deep concentration.

Though Ramalinga was inside the closed and bolted room, he could see clearly the whole universe with its tiers of many worlds of mind, life and the physical including the physical earth and sky with its moon, stars and clouds.

When he was thus absorbed in deep concentration, an effulgent Truth-Light of Grace broke out from his heart and with its unique Heat began to burn his radiant physical body very slowly, as at a snail's speed, and that in an upward direction, from the heart towards the head. The burning of the body may be somewhat likened to that of an incense-stick which however burns downwards by its inner heat of fire, forming ash-covering but without the falling down of the ash-form. When the upper part of his radiant body was burnt completely from heart to head, there was left in its place a form of pure white Substance, which also radiated its Light of Consciousness. The burnt part, however, showed all its features intact and clearly and even the burnt hair of his head was seen distinctly as luminous white hair. Then the Heat of the pure Light of Grace descended to burn the lower part.

After the whole body was thus burnt, Ramalinga was seen as a bodily form of pure white substance from head to foot, radiating its Light. The white form kept intact all the different kinds of cells of his body and all the distinctive features and formations of his interior an exterior body. His bodily form did not shrink in size after the burning. I saw no visible flame nor sensed its heat during the burning of his living body, nor smoke, nor any bad smell as of burnt tissues, nor heard any cracking noise as of burnt bones. But instead, there was a sweet Fragrance since the time his body began to burn and it spread everywhere. I sensed in my heart an ineffable Calmness and Silence, which gave me in turn a state of Bliss.

Now a second stage of burning began. The unique Heat of Grace-Light began to burn slowly Ramalinga's luminous Form of White Substance from head to foot downwards. When his white Substance-Form full of its radiating Light, was thus burnt completely, the white Substance became very fine sub-atomic conscious particles which permeated and pervaded the entire universe and the farther pure worlds of consciousness beyond. The fine, white and conscious particles with its radiating Light also entered into and got distributed everywhere in the earth and even in matter and in the Inconscient. After the universal pervasive distribution of the particles, they could be seen no more and disappeared from my sight. But now there pervaded everywhere the sweet, soft and fine Fragrance of Camphor which gave my body a blissful sensation and enraptured my heart as well.

Then I had the rare vision of Ramalinga's universal luminous golden Form. As a matter of fact the immensity of his golden form contained in it the whole universe. This form too disappeared from my view and was replaced by another vision in which I saw the Golden Light of Truth-Knowledge and Grace entering into all the directions more speedily than the lightning. It permeated and pervaded the whole universe and the farther pure worlds of Consciousness. It entered into our earth and all its crores of the physical forms of beings and objects and in the apparently insensible matter and even in the very dark realm of the vast in conscience. All the forms that were permeated by the Golden Light of Truth changed into golden forms of beings and objects. The Golden Light entered into my whole adhara including the physical body. My body felt in all the cells vibrations of ease and pleasantness.

Then I heard some words of Grace. But they were indistinctly heard and could not be deciphered, as I was absorbed in a rapture of Bliss due to the sublime vision and experiences. Thus the Vision lasted an hour of time and came to an end.

The visible physical light is the concrete symbol of the Vast Truth-Light of Grace, which is the source of all lights. Camphor is verily a solid form or symbol of that Light. Ramalinga's soul is inseparable from the conscious white particles of Substance, which he has become, and pervading distributed everywhere. When the Supreme Truth-consciousness manifests in the physical world, it becomes the golden Light of Grace. The golden Light of Grace will purify and transform man and the physical body too will become deathless physical Truth-body, and the Sanmarga of Truth, Purity and Goodness shall prevail on the earth. As Anma realizes the pure Spirits, the body too shall realize its truth as the true body of the Spirit.’

Ramalinga swamigal

Swami Ramalingam, popularly known as Vallalar, was one of the most notable saints on the Indian sub-continent during the 19th century. He was born on October 5, 1823, in Marudur near Chidambaram into a Hindu Saivite family, the fifth child and last son of his father Ramayya Pillai and mother Chinnammayyar. It is said she had borne him in her womb after she received Vibhuti, the sacred ash of blessings from an unknown guest of honor, a Siva Yogi who blessed her with a son like himself. Vallalar left the world on January 30, 1874 at age 51. When he was only six months old his father died and Ramalinga was brought up under the auspices and tutelage of his elder brother, who, it has been said, had a good working knowledge of things religious.

At the age of 27, he was married to one Danammal. Marital life did not distract him from his religious duty. As an ardent follower of bhakti (the practice of devotional worship) he was a relentless critic of practice based on birth, class, status or privilege. He had no regard for the ‘Puranas’, ‘Vadas’, and the ‘Agamas’. He worshiped God as Light (Jothi) and was a man of utmost love and compassion for all living creatures. It is said that he would weep at the sight of even a withering crop. He firmly believed in anna dana, the free offering of food to the needy.

Swamiji as Light Body

It can be seen from the history of his life that in his later years his physical body had become tenuous and translucent. Disciples have recorded that it cast no distinct shadow. It is said that several attempts were made to photograph him, but since light passed through his bod,y no clear image could be obtained. What could be seen were only his clothing and a very misty vision of his face and limbs, and from such a translucent body made so by pure living, dematerialization was but a few steps away.

Swami Ramalingam (Vallalar) says, "Life of eternal bliss is union with God. Those who have achieved this will have transmuted this impure carnal body into a pure golden body and again have the pure body transformed into super sensible, spiritual body".

Swamiji's approach to spiritual life

Spirituality that secluded itself from the common people had no meaning for Swami Ramalingam (Vallalar). His God-consciousness was based on love and compassion. As already seen, he was never at peace when people went without food. What was the meaning of kindness and love if one did not satisfy the hunger of a fellow human being? Moreover, food was the basic need of the body and body was the seat of the soul. Without taking care of the body how could anyone take care of the soul that dwelt in the body? Thus the very basis of spirituality was, according to Swamiji, the removal of hunger, since removal of hunger mean renovation of the living temple of God, the body.

Swamiji's dematerialization

The saint told his disciples that he was in the last days of his physical existence and that he would soon pass into the astral world. He then secluded himself in final preparation.

The news that the saint had locked himself up in a room became known. There was much excitement because the saint had earlier been talking about the possibility of the living dissolution of his physical body. Many people believed him and now they knew the final days had come.

Three months after he locked the door to his room, the news eventually reached the government at Madras. Some officials came to investigate. They ordered the door to be opened. To the great wonder and amazement of all that stood around, they found no one inside the room. A thorough inspection of the whole building was made and nothing suspicious could be found. The officials questioned the disciples and found them to be very simple and innocent people. Now it was clear that, as proclaimed, the saint had achieved the unachievable: without discarding his physical body, he had dematerialized.

The life and writings of Saint Ramalingam (Vallalar) have evidence enough to support dematerialization. They make it clear to us that the swami had been preparing all his life for this final achievement. He had been telling his followers that he would pass into eternal life, not by shedding his physical body, but by changing it into a subtle, invisible, deathless body. There are frequent references in his poems first to the hope and then to the certainty of his union with God by means of acquiring a wonderful, celestial body that would be beyond death or destruction.

"Lord, take this body of mine and my spirit in exchange for your body and your spirit
to enable this very body of flesh to become a body of light...
transmuting" this body of skin and bones, I shine with a golden form
you have given me a form perpetual which nothing can destroy...
grace, knowledge, love and an indestructible body these have been your gifts to me."